I Want to Have a Little Bomb like You
A song taken from the 1969 issue of the 1964 Edinburgh Folk Festival recording.
The lyrics were written by Sydney Carter and it is sung by Nadia Cattouse.
I do not own any copyright on this but I could not find it anywhere apart from this vinyl record and I can’t let this great song be forgotten.
Hit that drum a great big whack,
I want to have a little bomb like you.
Fall in line and follow, follow,
I want to have a little bomb like you.
I like you and you like me,
but just in case we disagree,
I want to have a little bomb like you,
I want to have a little bomb like you
Charles de Gaulle, he said to me:
I want to have a little bomb like you.
Independent I will be,
I want to have a little bomb like you.
You can wave your Union Jack,
Stars and Stripes are on the back.
I want to have a little bomb like you,
I want to have a little bomb like you.
Mao Tse Tung to Khrushchev said:
I want to have a little bomb like you,
my bomb will be twice as red.
I want to have a little bomb like you.
If we all go up in flames,
that will be a bloody shame.
I want to have a little bomb like you,
I want to have a little bomb like you.
Everybody says the same:
I want to have a little bomb like you,
I am not the one to blame,
I want to have a little bomb like you.
Who will be the first to say
“Throw the bloody thing away”?
I don’t want to be the first, do you?
I don’t want to be the first, do you?